Need an article writer (paid)
capaneo, Sep 10 2014
Need someone who can change my bullet points/brain dumb into article(s). The topics will be technical and engineering related.
Anyone interested here?
Biz related.
Wall Street Logic
capaneo, Nov 23 2009
Ken Lewis made BOA go broke. The company is so "messed up" and "direction less" that no one is touching it. Who can solve the problem? Its CLEAR. KEN LEWIS can!!!!!
You actually cant really blame them. Because Washington is running on the same principles as well!
Oh and btw BOA buying up Merrill was apparently a great move too!
HUGE UPDATE: Poker Results and Future Plans
capaneo, Oct 13 2009
Warning: This post might sound like a brag!
I checked out the Audit function on PS and it came to my mind that it would be a great idea to figure out how much I have cashedout/Deposited at poker.
Im going to take this opportunity to update LP about what I am up to.
I knew I was up overall after playing poker for like 3-4 years doing Engineering at school. But after my school started to kick in badly in 2008 I thought that I would not have made money in poker in excess of 50K overall or something.

I felt really encouraged looking at the results. Knowing that I never gave poker %100. School has been my no1 priority ALL THE TIME.
I am a mech engineering student currently working at Shell plant in Alberta. Doing my last year of school next year and I am well in the top %10 of my class(I am registered in this honor society stuff for whatever that means!)
So it felt REALLY good to know that Im up well over 100k at poker. Specially have it as my 3rd-4th priority. (after school/GF/family and all that stuff.)
I will never play poker professionally because average worker that I know at my current job makes more money at than a solid 400nl player will make. And doing a job has ALOT more upward potential than playing poker.
But other than being encouraged I was also stunned! I have NO IDEA what I have done with this money.
You have to keep in mind that with this money I didnt pay any rent. I didnt pay anything for school. And I didnt pay for my necessary expenses.
I get money from some assets that I have which my family manages and send me my share.
I dont go out. I HATE dance clubs/parties and I think its a huge waste of time. I dont spend ANY money on girls. I do travel around but not much. (like 2 EU/Asia a year.) Basically I dont have much money saved. Maybe at most 20k in my bank account in Canada.
The future Poker goal is to play poker from time to time but have it at low priority. Maybe even lower than before since Im about to get even more busy at my life. But Im not gonna stop playing. My first goal is to get even in PTR(-25k) by sometimes next year.
My job/professional goal is to make some big changes/corrections in the Shell Plant that Im working at by April.
Im also in the process of starting a Coffee Shop biz with my GF and a Real Estate Investment company with a bunch of friends. And also planning to do a very small import/export business to try-out/Renew some old connections(Less than USD1000).
I might update this space with the results on all those adventures!
And my most importantly, my new life goal is to not spend one dime without giving it a second thought.
Anyway. Plz leave comment if u care. it encourages updates!
Also on a short news site. Peter Schiff is going on a floor tour with Rick Santelli!!! CNBC is probably going to make a 4-5min piece out of it which is going to be amazing to watch.
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